Title: Fight for Gold- Survivor Aurora Location: ANYWHERE! Description: Get active in the fight against childhood cancer as we fight for gold for survivor Aurora! The challenge can take place at your local gym, a park, at your house, or anywhere! Stay tuned for the...
From the founder of Team G Childhood Cancer Foundation, Kristin Cosner. “As I’m writing this post, I realize that my thoughts are so scattered on this subject. So, I will do the best I can to tell the story of our past week. It was an incredible learning...
Title: Fight for Gold – Alex! Location: ANYWHERE! Description: Get active in the fight against childhood cancer as we fight for gold for Alex! The challenge can take place at your local gym, a park, at your house, or anywhere! Stay tuned for the challenge and...
“Survivor Ginger” Ginger is a survivor! She is amazing in so many ways and she is one of the lucky ones. Here is her story from her Mother’s eyes. One day I was rocking Ginger in my arms, actually it was Mother’s day, we were out in the sun...
Hope…Courage…Strength In February 2012 Laci was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma stage 4, a soft tissue tumor that was less than 1mm away from her brain. Laci underwent 6 weeks of radiation at UCSF and their family lived in the Koret Family House while...