During Christmas, we joined forces with Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital to obtain items from family, friends, and the community for their annual toy drive. We weren’t sure what to expect but the community came out in the true Christmas spirit and...
“Survivor Charlie” Charlie had a large air filled cyst discovered in a chest x-ray of his lungs in February of 2011. We were referred to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, where they decided to watch the cyst to see if the it disappeared after 6...
Dear Team G Good Cookies, On behalf of Team G Foundation, we want to thank you for your generous contribution to our 2nd Annual Team G Cookies For Kids’ Cancer Bake Sale! Your contribution helped us raise $9,378! Since Team G’s mission is to first, funding research...
Brooke is our baby; this is her story… Brooke is 6 years old and loves pink, ponies, cats and dogs, and dinosaurs. She wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. Brooke was always a healthy child with ear infections as her biggest hurdle. She had a...
While Jake is only 15 months old, his story began many years ago. After his big brother Luke was born, the Staniszewski family began the long journey to complete their family. A roller coaster ride of hope and heartache ensued as the family endured multiple rounds of...