Raising “Dough” for Pediatric Cancer 2016

While everyone knows that September means “Back to School”, what many people may not know is that September is also Childhood Cancer Awareness month. While many of us are running around getting the back to school essentials, there are too many moms spending their days in the hospital as their child gets chemotherapy and radiation. While many of us await the news of what teacher our child got, 43 parents today are getting the news that their child as cancer.
When: September 24th, 2016
Time: 9am to 2pm
Why: To raise money for pediatric cancer research.
LOCATIONS: Surf City Coffee in Aptos 9105 Soquel Dr. and Scotts Valley Market on Victor’s Square
If you are able to help “RAISE SOME DOUGH” and bake goodies please email our location contacts:
APTOS bakers contact Kellie Merritt for more details: kelliemerritt16@yahoo.com
SCOTTS VALLEY bakers contact Stacey Botkin for more details: stacey.botkin@sbcglobal.net
Team G Childhood Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting families fighting pediatric cancer and funding new and innovative treatments to ultimately cure childhood cancer. Since we started our mission just a year ago, Team G has donated over $98,000 to pediatric cancer research. We have also provided over 900 Hope Totes to families with newly diagnosed children. Your baking help will help us ensure we can continue to provide help and funding to much needed research.
“Every day, 43 Children are diagnosed with childhood cancer, and every day, 7 children lose their lives to cancer.”
If you are wondering why there is a need to raise money for pediatric cancer research, it might come as a surprise that pediatric cancer is the number one disease killer in the U.S. of children under the age of 18. In fact, it kills more children than asthma, AIDS, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis combined. Unfortunately, pediatric cancer receives a very small percentage of the National Cancer Institute’s $4.8 billion annual budget and almost no research and development dollars from pharmaceutical companies.
If children are our most precious resource, why wouldn’t we do everything in our power to keep them safe? It’s our responsibility and obligation to protect them and our future.
Your donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. TAX ID#46-2127958