
“Survivor Pablo”
Pablo was diagnosed with stage III nephroblastoma one month after his third birthday. He endured one month of chemotherapy in order to shrink the tumor, then surgery to remove his kidney, followed by 8 sessions of radiation plus six more months of chemotherapy. During all this time, we managed to keep our life as normal as possible despite the weekly visits to the hospital. His worst fear was getting the chemo shots. To help him through this, we drew a Thomas train with 28 wagons and colored one after each shot.
We just celebrated his 4 years post-treatment cancer free. Pablo is an almost 8 years old little boy enjoying every second of his life.
Our cheeriest wish is that pediatric cancer won’t be a life threatening disease anymore. Our wish is to find new drugs with no long term side effects and ultimately the discovery of a cure. We wish everyone facing it won’t see their life affected in such a way as it is the case today. We wish that the only fear for everyone facing pediatric cancer is, as Pablo experienced at 3 years old, the shot.
Beginner Challenge (Home) 5 ROUNDS
30 jumping jacks
25 sit ups
20 step ups
15 squats
10 burpees.
Advanced Challenge (Gym) 5 ROUNDS
30 double unders
25 toes to bar
20 box jumps
15 goblet squats
10 burpees.