Samantha K

Just a few months ago, Samantha was complaining of ear pain and was diagnosed with a bilateral ear infection. She was taken to the doctor where they prescribed antibiotics. The infection continued and a second round of antibiotics was prescribed without relief. After 4 visits to the doctor, a blood test was done which concluded that Samantha’s blood level was dangerously low. She was sent to the ER at John Muir Walnut Creek for an immediate transfusion. Further tests were done including an abdominal CT that showed enlargement of the kidneys and liver. The following day a bone marrow aspiration was completed and the diagnoses was made on January 21st, 2016 that Samantha has leukemia, specifically ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia).
A Facebook page was started for friends and family to keep you all updated on Samantha’s status. This will help Brittany and Zach spend important time with the health care team learning about Samantha’s treatments, comprehending her disease, and guiding her through care. It will be helpful for everyone to coordinate care for meals, help with Julia and Trevor, and help wherever Brittany and Zach may need by contacting the main contacts listed below. Please invite friends and family to this page for information and coordination of all of the above and to help Brittany and Zach journey down this challenging road.
Thank you for your support as the Smith family travels down this path to help their daughter, Samantha Kay regain her health.
Due to popular demand, a fundraising site has been set up for the Smith Family. They will be using these funds to help with gas expenses, groceries, and other needs that the family sees fit. Thank you so much for your support and helping us fight Samantha’s cancer TOGETHER!
To visit the Samantha K Smith Strong page, please click here: